Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Its almost that time...the malls are packed, trees are decorated, gifts under the tree...but you know us here at RIF haven't even started our christmas shopping but like we tell everyone... RIF is a one stop shop for everyone.

We have shoes for your wife, husband, kids, girlfriends, boyfriends... if shoes isn't what your looking for we have RIF Goods... Shirts, hats, accessories something to put under that christmas tree or stocking stuffers.

We are in full swing of winter and since we jinxed the LA weather... we are now experiencing non-stop rain, today being the 4th day straight.

A little rain never hurt anyone.

Especially those who are dropping off gifts. Thanks again Juan you best believe this will keep us warm for those chilly days.

Our number 1 postman AKA Perjean who is also a sneaker head was kind enough to bring us some food, just in time...we are soo swamped here at work that we don't have any time to leave the shop and pickup food!

Perjean was kind enough to drop off some Aloha Cafe' Chili. Thanks again TITO Perjean!

Not only did Perjean Drop off some delicious Chili, but the little homie "short bus" dropped off some Shrimp SHUMAI. Good things come in 2's

Speaking of gifts, Jeff just received these in mail, As a future gift to his future young one.

Gifts and more gifts. Nacho from LAX to JFK came through to drop of a few beenies, This being the best color of the bunch...Don't sleep on LAX to JFK.

Not only is it FULL swing winter here in SOCAL, but FULL ON 20 degree weather in Tokyo and even snowing in the northern part. (ie.Saporro)

If your a snowboarder like Edouche make sure to step your snow boarding sneaker game with a pair of NIKE Snow Boarding Boots.

We are FULLY Stocked in our shop in Harajuku, Japan.
Click the link LA AVE SHOP. for your snowboarding needs.

From the LA. Ave Blog. Bet you haven't seen one of these in person. AF1 Down Jacket.

AKI Chan all the way from Arkansas VIA Tokyo. Came here to chop it up about the sneaker scene in Arkansas which is close to non and how he wanted to live in Arkansas but now wants to move to LA. Hope you do homie you can be the first Japanese super INTERN.

La Ave. represent.

A few sneaker shots of the day.

Rainy day beaters.

SC Kobe 5 Beaters

IF you dont know those 2 who are in picture with Heffe. Just know these are the OG's of the game...and guess who's next in line. Good Seeing you guys.

Hope everyone is having a Happy and Blessed Holiday season, be safe out there.


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