Monday, March 28, 2011

Parties, Pinafores & Potato Sacks

After a recent look at the DVD I made of the family slides, my Mom was reminiscing about how wonderfully simple yet completely joyful kids' birthday parties were in the 1950s and 60s.  Party favors here included small sombreros and what appear to be yoyos.  The taste of fruit flavored soda against the texture of a paper cup is such a "hyperactive sugar rush at the kids' table" moment.  Here's my Mom at the head of the table, celebrating with my Uncle Kevin (on left, peeking out below) and my cousin Dianne to his left.  My cousin Ricky is seen in the lower left.  Did anyone catch the color of the canary he just swallowed?

My Mom and Uncle Kevin are seen above in their Easter Sunday Best while my Great Grandmother Mae is seen below between my cousins Dianne and Lois.  This slide was unmarked (as were many others) so I'm guessing they're dressed in either confirmation dresses or flower girl gowns for a wedding.

Mom and Aunt Karen look great in their matching sailor suits (which were probably home-sewn from a Simplicity pattern) but why doesn't my Uncle Kevin have one? 

And here we move toward Summertime's picnics and games...

What picnic is complete without a toilet paper race?

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