Monday, March 12, 2012

Vintage Photos: Pelchaz & Montone Families 1910 - 1973

The following collection of photos belonged to my paternal grandmother, Rose Montone.

My Dad presented me with these recently and I found them fascinating, especially since they 
contain images of many people I never knew, but have only heard about (in bits and pieces).

Above & Below: My Nana Rose's family (Pelchaz) in the 1910s.

Many of the photos from this side of the family are torn or cut (due to family feuds).
I'd like to think of this as my Nana Rose's version of deleting someone on Facebook.

My paternal grandmother, Rose Pelchaz (at age 17) before marrying Philip Montone.

Rose Pelchaz's parents in 1930.

Photo negative: Rose Pelchaz's mother in her coffin, circa 1940.

Rose Pelchaz Montone and new husband Philip Montone (my grandfather) in the 1940s.

My Great Uncle: WWII Veteran Michael Pelchaz, whom I did not know.

My paternal grandfather Philip Montone, a few years before my father was born.

Nana Rose with the infant Daniel... My Dad.

Pop Pop Phil (as I called him) with my one-year old Dad.
Note the excellent metal soda sign on the side of my grandparents' house (which was also a bar).

Pop Pop Phil at work behind the bar with some festive patrons.  Hazleton, PA. (1950s)

Host Supreme: Pop Pop Phil holds court over the clams at a barbecue.

Another image Phil and Rose behind the bar in the ground floor of their home.  Hazleton, PA.

Back-of-photo annotations in my grandmother's distinctive hand.

Now THAT'S a face!

Probably my favorite childhood photo of my Dad. 

Family Portrait: The Montone Family, 1963.

The above image of my Dad looks so much like me as a teenager that it's a little bit frightening.

Great shot of Dad and Pop Pop Phil with some bar patrons: 1967.

Mom and Dad on their wedding day.  September 1971.

Pop Pop Phil and Nana Rose with me (age 6 months) in July 1973.

This brings us to the last image in Nana Rose's collection...
Set up by my Dad when I was just a few months old.  May 1973.

PS: My folks STILL have that red chair in their basement.

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